========= Install ========= This instruction is basically based on debian linux, Ubuntu. Python3.x Install ======================== Pylatte is python3.x based framework. Therefore it is mandatory to install python3.x interpreter. .. code-block:: bash $sudo apt-get install python3 $python3 Current version is python3.2. so it is up to you if you install python3 or python3.2. After installing, check out whether it is installed or not. pip Install ============ pip is a tool for installing and managing Python packages, such as those found in the Python Package Index. It's a replacement for easy_install. you can download install file at http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip/ and unzip the file and install. .. code-block:: bash $sudo python3 setup.py install pylatte Install ============ .. code-block:: bash $pip-3.2 install --upgrade pylatte Check if the installation is complete or not Execute python3.x interpreter .. code-block:: bash $python3 Then, import Pylatte .. code-block:: python import pylatte If import is successful without any error message, congratulation! it is complete.