
This instruction is basically based on debian linux, Ubuntu.

Python3.x Install

Pylatte is python3.x based framework. Therefore it is mandatory to install python3.x interpreter.

$sudo apt-get install python3

Current version is python3.2. so it is up to you if you install python3 or python3.2. After installing, check out whether it is installed or not.

pip Install

pip is a tool for installing and managing Python packages, such as those found in the Python Package Index. It’s a replacement for easy_install.

you can download install file at and unzip the file and install.

$sudo python3 install

pylatte Install

$pip-3.2 install --upgrade pylatte

Check if the installation is complete or not Execute python3.x interpreter


Then, import Pylatte

import pylatte

If import is successful without any error message, congratulation! it is complete.

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